Family First: What do you know about psychology of the family?

“The healthiest families are those that live without conflict.” If you find this statement to be true then your attitude towards healthy family relationships may be a little misguided. Google “happy family” and all of the pictures you find will give off a similar impression, a happy go lucky all smiles image. Now of course happiness is obtainable, it’s what we all wish for in all aspects of our lives, especially within the relationships of those closest to us. However all families experience conflict and if handled correctly these conflicts can make your families stronger in the long run.
It’s important to understand that families are like small communities, you have individuals with different personalities, interests, and attitudes. Communication is key when dealing with issues, always be sure to listen before responding and most importantly try to understand where others are coming from. Having a dysfunctional family can affect you emotionally and even physically. Below are two simple examples of dysfunctional family systems that often take place.
Pseudo-Hostility: Frequent bickering and arguing = avoiding deeper feelings
Pseudo- Mutuality: No disagreements or conflict= no separate identities or deeper intimacy
Sound familiar? If so you may want to re-evaluate your family system, after all a family is what shapes an individual.